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Sunday, October 26, 2014

About Shiny Objects

Shiny Objects is a fun side-project that allows me to practice writing, photography and marketing by following up on random thoughts that occasionally pop up.

A wise Pin on Pinterest (oh, and John C. Maxwell) once said, "Dreams don't work unless you do." Another pin (and Scott Belsky) said, "It's not about the ideas. It's about making those ideas happen." Both of these quotes exemplify why I created this blog; in order to follow my dreams of being a better, more established writer, I need to just start doing it.

Coming up with a title to a new writing venture is much harder than it seems. I started this blog with the title, "Grumble," but I knew that was temporary. The tone of that word did not live up to the goal of the blog, so I recently changed it to, "Shiny Objects." 

I hope you enjoy the material seen here! If you want more scattered musings, be sure to visit my official Pinterest Page or follow me on Twitter.

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